Why take the time to celebrate, if not at least remember Martin Luther King, Jr. on this day?
The question may not be as uncommon as we think. After all, why get hung up on the past, or make the effort to remember something that happened years ago?
Making History That is Worth Remembering
It’s important to celebrate, if not at least remember MLK on this day not only because remembering our history (whether we are African Americans or not) is important, but also because it’s invaluable to remember what it requires of a person to make history that’s worth remembering.
The truth is, anyone can make history. From famous mistakes to acts of extreme violence, the bar to make history is low. But to make history that is worth celebrating and remembering is another story.
Dr. King made history not by acts of extreme violence or harm his fellow man. He made history in the courage, the determination, and in the steadfastness in fighting for what he believed was right. Despite death threats, being repeatedly wrongfully imprisoned (multiple times), and having his home bombed and set to fire, Dr King remained in the fight for equality and what God was leading him to, even when the world was against him.
Through peaceful protests, incredible patience, and the choice to endure Dr. King not only made history, but history worth remembering. Though his life ended through assassination, his life reminds us not only of our country’s history, but also gives us the encouragement to participate in, or to also make history worth remembering.
Inspiring Us in Our Living

His life encourages us to fight the good fight, even when being beat up. His life reminds us to remain in what is good, even what is bad seems tempting and overwhelming. And his life reminds us to faithfully pursue what God is leading us to, despite the opposition we encounter.
It’s when we do these things that we may not only make history, but history worth remembering.
Until then we look to and choose to celebrate, or at least remember those who have made a way for us, and made history worth remembering. Dr. King is one of many who has made history worth remembering and an example of faithfulness in the good fight set before us.
Happy MKL Day!