Faded image of a path through a forest with a caption reading: Jesus and the Way - What's the Unforgivable Sin? by Charles Postell, Mark 3:22-30

What’s the Unforgivable Sin?

Mark 3:22-30. Message by Charles Postell. Many words in our language are known as a “double entrendre.” They are words with a double meaning. One example is the word “flat.” You might think of music, where a note is flat. Or maybe you’re thinking of a wall or a surface that’s flat. Go across the … Read more

Faded image of a path through a forest with the caption: Jesus and the Way - Movement and Moments, Charles Postell speaking, Mark 1:29-39.

Movements and Moments

Mark 1:29-39. Message by Charles Postell Are you familiar to the term “overstimulation?” It’s one of those things you may have experienced even if you aren’t familiar with the term. It’s something that happens when there’s a lot of things going on around you, and in one moment everything catches up with you and you … Read more

Faded image of a path through a forest with the caption Jesus and the Way: Announcing the Revolution, January 19, 2025, Ron Walter speaking.

Announcing the Revolution

Mark 1:14-20. Message by Ron Walter Have you ever been stuck in one of those neighborhoods with a lot of winding roads and once you get inside one, you don’t know how to get out of it? Did you ever notice a car driving, and you think to yourself, that car looks like it’s leaving … Read more

A faded image of a path through a forest with the caption reading Jesus and the Way: Make Room for Jesus.

Make Way for Jesus

Mark 1:1-8. Message by Charles Postell. Have you ever had someone tell you, “Hey, before we say anything, everything’s okay?” Or maybe they say we’re going to talk when we get home, and you wonder, “what did I do this time?” And then you find out they just want to find out what you want … Read more